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Why Is My Cruise Control Light Blinking?

Why Is My Cruise Control Light Blinking?

Seeing the light on your dashboard start to blink is always concerning, especially if you don’t know what it means.

If you see your cruise control light blinking on your dashboard, you’ll probably start to worry about what it means and what you’ll have to do to get it fixed.

Heck, what does it even mean when your cruise control light is on but not flashing? Does that just mean that the system is working properly, or does that mean it’s faulty?

If your cruise control light is blinking, this typically means that something is faulty within the system and could mean that the cruise control itself might need to be repaired.

More often than not, this is usually to do with the electronics, such as a speed sensor. If you have a faulty system, you should refrain from using cruise control until it’s fixed.

Today, we’re going to talk about what the cruise control light looks like on most cars, and what it means when it starts blinking.

We’ll also discuss what to do if the light is on but not blinking, and whether or not you can safely drive your car in that state.

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We’ve done the legwork for you, so all you have to do is come here and you’re good to go!

What Does the Cruise Control Light Look Like?

Before we go through this entire article talking about the cruise control light in your car, let’s make sure you know what the cruise control light actually looks like.

After all, there are all sorts of lights on your dashboard, and seeing any one of them turn on unexpectedly can be a bit confusing. So knowing what certain ones look like will help you figure out what’s going on more quickly.

The cruise control light usually looks like a miniature speedometer with the analog indicator set in place, indicating that the speed of your car is set as well.

This light is usually found on the lower right side of your dashboard, near where the speedometer and odometer are. If you can’t find it there, it might be located on the steering column. 

It’s important to know where this light is so that if it does turn on while you’re driving, you’re not scrambling to figure out where it is and what it means.

Now that we know what the cruise control light looks like, let’s talk about what it means when it starts blinking.

Blinking cruise control

What Does it Mean if Your Cruise Control Light is Blinking?

There are a few different things that could be going on if you see the cruise control light blinking while you’re driving. The first thing you should do is check to see if your cruise control is working at all.

A general rule of thumb about most lights on your dash is that if they’re flashing, it usually means that something is faulty with that particular system and it’s not working as it’s expected to.

To check to see if cruise control is working, you can simply try to engage it. If the light is blinking, that’s usually an indication that the system is turned on but not working properly.

This could be for a number of reasons, such as a problem with the speed sensor or cruise control servo. In most cases, you’ll need to take your car to a mechanic to get it checked out and repaired.

Why is My Cruise Control Light On But Not Blinking?

The vast majority of the time, if you see a light illuminated on your dashboard, it typically means that there’s an issue of some sort going on.

But cruise control is one of the few exceptions to this rule. When you see your cruise control light illuminated on your dash, that’s actually a good sign. It’s exactly what you want to see!

If the light is on but not blinking, that usually means that cruise control is engaged and working properly. This should be easy to verify since you’ll be able to feel the car maintaining its speed without you having to do anything.

The light being on is simply there to let you know that the system is engaged and working.

It’s important to note that even if the light is on and cruise control is working, you might still have some issues with the system.

For example, you might notice that your car is having trouble maintaining speed on hills or in stop-and-go traffic.

If this is happening, it’s usually an indication that your cruise control system needs to be adjusted. But as long as the light is on, you know that the system is engaged and working.

Can You Drive Your Car With a Faulty Cruise Control System?

If you’re driving and you see the cruise control light start blinking, the best thing to do is to disengage cruise control and drive without it until you can get your car into a mechanic.

In most cases, it’s not safe to continue driving using cruise control if you know that the system is having issues or that something is faulty within the sensors and electronics of the system.

The reason for this is that cruise control relies on sensors to help maintain speed.

If something is wrong with the sensor or the system itself, your car might not be able to properly gauge its speed.

This could lead to you unintentionally speeding or, even worse, not being able to slow down in time if someone cuts you off or if there’s an obstacle in the road.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your car. So if you see the cruise control light blinking, make sure to disengage the system and drive without it until you can get your car into a mechanic.

Summing Up Why Your Cruise Control Light is Blinking

If your cruise control light is not only on, but blinking, it usually indicates that there is something wrong with the device itself.

It’s important to stop using cruise control as soon as you see the light blinking and take it into a mechanic to get it fixed. Otherwise, it could lead to accidents if you’re not able to stop in time.

Blinking cruise control lights aren’t generally too much cause for concern, but be diligent about any light that starts blinking on your dashboard!

Zach Reed

Hi, I'm the founder of! Having owned a wide variety of vehicles in my life, I was astounded at how hard it can be to find answers to common automotive questions. Rather than sit idly, I decided to create this website to help others!